Study Tours to Israel and Turkey
We currently offer study tours in even-numbered years (2026, 2028, etc.) as Marty takes the odd-numbered years to be with family and have a rhythm of rest. Sign up for the BEMA Messenger (using this form) to be the first to know when we release information about upcoming tours. Currently available tours will also be posted on the BEMA website.
Dates and Cost: These details cannot be finalized until about ten months before the trip. The last elements to fall into place are the airline schedule and ticket prices. Once those are released by the airline, we can lock in dates for flights, hotels, and so on. When we have dates, we will publish them as best as we know, but they could change prior to that time. We cannot know the exact price until the schedule is finalized. Either way, a $500 deposit is due upon registration with GTI.
Registration: Sign up for the BEMA Messenger to be notified when preregistration is open. You will have a set amount of time to preregister. After that, participants will be randomly selected. GTI Tours will contact you if you have been selected. You will then have a set amount of time to submit a deposit and complete your registration.
Waitlist: These trips fill up! However, someone who is selected may end up having to decline or cancel. As slots open up, we will make additional selections from the preregistration list. This could potentially happen relatively close to the trip dates. Watch the orientation video ahead of time and be fully informed if you intend to go.
What’s Included: Flights from Chicago. (You will be responsible for getting to Chicago.) Hotel accommodations with breakfast and dinner buffets. Lunches are provided on site. (Water will be available throughout the day. Other beverages may be purchased by participants at meals.) Transportation, entrance fees, taxes, and tips. Other miscellaneous items (detailed when registration is announced).
What’s Not Included: Travel to Chicago. Drinks with meals (besides water). Insurance. Optional activities (e.g., hot air balloon rides). Souvenirs.
Itinerary: This depends on the dates and is determined when the airline schedules are released. In general, Israel trips include time in the desert around the Dead Sea, in the Galilee, in Jerusalem, and possibly other sites (basically the content of Sessions 1–3 of the podcast). Turkey trips include time in the cities of the letters of the New Testament and the seven churches of Revelation (basically the content of Sessions 4–5 of the podcast). The itinerary is always subject to change, even while on the ground, with safety as a priority. For example, the itinerary for BEMA Israel 2022 (Low Contact) changed during the trip to account for possible flash flooding in the desert.
Orientation Videos: These are almost an hour long, but they are designed to be informative and comprehensive; if you’re interested in going on a trip, we ask that you watch its video in full to make an informed decision. Please watch before registering.