There’s a better way to read the Bible.
A deeper understanding of the Text will help you understand who God is more fully.
God gave us the Bible for a reason.
It’s easy to feel guilty that you’ve misread the Bible and don’t know what God wants. To fear that if you get it wrong you’ll suffer the consequences, whatever they may be. You shouldn’t feel guilt or fear because no one has ever walked them through what the Bible is talking about.
Everybody should be able to understand what the Bible is really saying.
Gain Historical Context
Learn about the historical/Jewish context of the Bible and the tools available to help you keep learning on your own.
Ask Better Questions
I truly believe that my content will help you learn HOW to think, instead of just telling you WHAT to think.
Trust The Story
With a deeper understanding of the Text, you will start understanding God more deeply, and start trusting Him more.

Hi, I’m Marty.
I’m an author, content creator, and resource creator on a mission to examine bad readings of the Bible and reconstruct better readings of the Bible that are informed by historical/Jewish context.
I remember being in Bible college and feeling like things weren’t adding up. What I was learning wasn’t giving me the answers I was looking for.
That’s why I dedicated my life to study and learn from mentors who taught me a new way of seeing things and how to keep learning and growing on my own. Now I want to pass that on to others.
Let’s take steps toward understanding the Text
Engage with the Content
Listen to the podcast. Watch the videos. Go and hear Marty speak. Ask the questions. Take a trip to Israel or Turkey. Whatever you do, start exploring the many ways that exist here to learn about the Bible.
Learn How (Not What) to Think
The Bible is an ancient library of stories that come from a world much different than our own. These resources help you ask better questions that connect you with the world of the biblical authors and audience.
Become a Person of the Text
Now that you have the tools you need to better understand the Text, commit yourself to growing—not just in knowledge, but in your intimacy with God and in the awareness of who He’s shaping you to become.

My desire with the BEMA podcast is to create a space to learn and grow, experiment, and fail.
A space where asking questions is incentivized and not discouraged.
A space that God could fill — the way He desires to fill it.
A lot of people have a hard time understanding the Bible…
...and I’ve seen that produce a lot of guilt and fear in them.
I create content and resources that will help you grow in your understanding of the Text so you can more fully understand who God is and be freed from all of that guilt and fear.
Israel & Turkey Trips.
Join us on one of our Study-trips to Israel and Turkey and see the places you read about in the Bible in a completely new way.
On your trip, you’re going to see things that you thought you understood and learn how they are completely different than what we were taught.

Let’s walk through what the Bible is talking about together.
Everybody should have someone to help them understand what the Bible is saying because God gave it to us for a reason. Join us in learning about the Bible and the story that God is inviting us to participate in.